San Bridge starts…

Hi everyone, San Bridge starts now!

I figure that you’re here because you’ve read something of mine and liked it enough to come see if I’ve got any more. (Thank you so much for that, it means the world to me, it really does.) That being the case, then you should be expecting things on my website to be a bit strange and unconventional. I promise to do my best.

This is the place where I will bring together all my writing work. If you know only my short stories, then here you can find my novels and vice versa. Eventually, I will have links to buy my books, an email sign-up spot, exclusive stories, and maybe even some blog posts. I’m not sure what I’d write in a blog but perhaps something will come to me.

The site is pretty plain right now, but I’ll be sprucing it up as I go. I’ve never had a website before and since I’m a new writer I’m not sure what to put here or how it should function. But, because its in my nature do 100 things at once, out of order, and inefficiently, I’ll just roll with it and see what form it takes. That’s how I do my writing, so that’s how I’ll this too.

I suppose I’ll also need an ‘about me’ area. That’s gonna be a rough one. I don’t like talking about me, but it seems necessary. I prefer to know a little something about the authors I read, not too much but a little is nice. As much as I’d like to be this mysterious story-writing force, it doesn’t really work that way. Anyway, just in brief: I’m alright- mostly harmless, you know.

To get things started off, in a small way, here is a link to my work on Medium:

More to come and thanks for stopping by.
